Lifeline True Holiness Mission
True Gospel to All the World

Alejandro Maldonado
     My name is Alejandro Maldonado and I have been working for and attending worship services with Bishop Collins for 6 months as of 2-19-06. I had been having problems with my right shoulder for about eight months. I am not for sure what it was that was bothering me but I do know that I was having very sharp pains in my shoulder and neck muscles. Some days I would wake up and feel fine but there were a lot of days that I awoke up with pains so sharp that I could hardly move my right arm.
     I attend Mount Zion Deeper Life Fellowship where Bishop Dale Collins is the pastor. We had just come out of an eighteen-night faith building revival where we were blessed to see several miracles, healings and deliverances.  The Bishop taught and preached on faith every night and my faith had greatly increased.  
     Recently I was having a very hard day on the job with much pain to the point that I could barely work. About mid morning we went to the city land fill and we was getting ready to unload the trailer. I was asked to get in the truck and hold the brake down. When I got into the truck Bishop Collins was sitting there in the passenger side of the truck. Being in great pain I ask Bishop Collins to pray for my shoulder in which he did at once. We both took off our hats and he laid his hand on my shoulder and we both began to pray. We prayed most sincerely for about two minutes and we both felt the presence of the Lord in a very sweet way. When it was time for me to get out of the truck and help the crew Bishop Collins told me to “go in faith.”
     I got out of the truck and helped the crew unload the trailer. When we got back in the truck Bishop Collins asked me how I felt and I told him that I felt great and that I was healed in Jesus Name. Bishop Collins yelled out Alleluia, AMEN, as we were both thrilled about the power of God! 
     It has now been some time since that morning when God healed me and I haven’t had any problems with my shoulder or neck at all. I would just like to tell everyone reading this testimony that God is real and I want to thank Him for coming in the flesh to have His back beaten with many stripes for our healing. I would like to encourage everyone to read the Bible and pray to God that He would increase their faith because without faith we cannot please Him.
Woman Delivered From Satanic Torment
02/27/2006 Peggie Roedl
     For seven long years Satan tormented my life with satanic visions. These visions were always visions of spiders trying to jump on my body. Huge spiders were tormenting me, causing me to fight them off in great fear. I could hardly breathe the force was so great. Finally I could scream out the name of Jesus and they would leave for a time, but would leave me exhausted.
     One evening several months ago, while sitting in service, Bishop Collins noticed that my countenance appeared as if being hypnotized by a satanic attack. Bishop asked me if this was going on. It was hard to admit, but I told him that it was true. Bishop Collins said that we needed to pray in Faith believing and read God’s Word to build my Faith in order to seek deliverance.
     Recently during our Revival at Church, this torment came upon me while I was in services. I went up front to ask Bishop Collins for prayer. He called for the Saints to pray. He asked me if I believed God would deliver me from this satanic torment and I said yes. Bishop Collins prayed the prayer of faith and anointed my head with oil. Like David of old, I can truly say that my cup runneth over, for truly God has delivered me from this satanic torment even to this day.
     I want to thank our Heavenly Father for His goodness and mercy to me in my life. I appreciate Bishop Collins in this Faith Building Ministry in teaching us the truth about how Faith can be alive in our lives today.
My First Experience with Divine Healing
Bishop Dale Collins 2-12-06
     Many times thru the years I’ve been asked about my first experience with Divine Healing. It seems that most people who ask about Divine Healing think that I was raised this way and that it is something that I was always around growing up. While it is true that my grandfather was a Pentecostal preacher that started several churches and my great uncle was a well know revival and radio evangelist my parents had dropped out of church when I was in the second grade. There is no doubt in my mind that myself and my family saw God move for us in many ways in those early years but I was just too young to remember it.
     My first experience with divine healing that I recall took place shortly after I repented of my sins and was converted to the old-time way. I had just got back from a year in college when I took a job at a local factory. I only worked there five or six weeks until I went into the ministry and went into roofing business for my self. One day while I was working at the factory a piece of metal flew off the machine and hit me in the eye. It did not bust my eye or anything serious like that but it bothered me greatly and I could not get it out. I tried several times to flush it out but I could not. Grandma tried to see it but she could not get it out either. We were concerned as to what to do about it as all of our attempts to get it out or to get relief had failed.
     That night, Evangelist Dale Dorsey and his wife Lucille, came to visit grandma and I. By this time in my life I had grown to really love them and I had great confidence in them. We had a great visit and I’m sure we talked about God and the Bible. Somewhere along the way I had heard about divine healing but I didn’t know anything about it. All I knew was that I was suffering and as a new believer I took God at His Word. Since divine healing was in His Word I assumed it was for me.
     I ask the evangelist if divine healing was in the Bible and he said that it was. I told him that I had heard about people anointing people with oil and praying for their healing. I ask him if that was in the Bible and He said that it was.  He then told me that he always carried a small bottle of oil around with him so he could anoint people that wanted special prayer. He asked me if I wanted prayer and I replied that I did. When they got up to leave he took out his little bottle of oil and put some on his finger and laid his hand on my head. They prayed a simple prayer for my eyes asking that they would recover in Jesus name. They finished praying and went on outside the house.
     I remained sitting on the couch as they were getting n their car and starting to drive off when all at once I realized that whatever had been in my eye was GONE! I was no longer suffering with discomfort and pain. I was instantly healed and delivered from this thing that had tormented me. I was free in Jesus Name! I jumped up and ran out the door yelling “IT’S GONE, IT’S GONE, IT’S GONE.” I stopped their car and informed them of what God had done. We all rejoiced together for what God had done and they left for the night. This is my personal account of my first experience with divine healing. Since that night over twenty years ago I have had and continue to have a strong desire to fully trust in God and take Him at His Word. Thru the years I’ve seen hundreds, if not thousands of miracles and healings take place and I am convinced that God is a healer and He always keeps His Word. 
Veteran Declares Chest Pains GONE!
     My name is Michael Gabrian and I am nearly sixty-one years young and I attend services at Mount Zion Deeper Life Fellowship in Conway Arkansas. I served in Vietnam and in Desert Storm. Ever since returning from Desert Storm I have had various heart and lung problems. I had an ill regular heart beat and low pulse. I recently had a test done and it said that I had a poorly functional heart valve. I have had high cholesterol. I came to the eighteen-night Faith Building Crusade and I was having chest pains so I requested prayer. Prayer was made several nights on my behalf by Bishop Dale Collins and the Church. I did not give it much thought at the time but I noticed several days later that all of the pains were gone. It has now been two months and they have not returned.     
     Right after the Faith Building Crusade I went to the local hospital clinic health fair and one of the nurses checked my blood pressure and it checked out to be perfect. They checked my cholesterol and it was 25 points lower than the last time when I had it checked.      Since this time of revival I have felt healthier and have had more energy.  I have had to go thru a lot of stress since that time having to move and other problems that I have had to face.   I have found that the biggest miracle in my life is to be able to trust in the Almighty in all situations.
Woman’s Headache Leaves
Instantly In Jesus Name
     For the past year I have been having migraine headaches at times. I came to the services at times with severe headaches, which caused me to be confused.   I came to the Faith Building Crusade and asked Bishop Collins to anoint my head with oil and to pray for me. He asked the saints in the church to help him pray for me and asked them to use their faith and believe. God miraculously healed my head and the pains went away. Till this day I have had no headaches! I give God the glory for being my healer!
     I appreciate Bishop Collins teaching faith in such a way that we can grasp it and apply faith in our own everyday life. 




     Greetings to all from Michael Moncrief, whom Jesus has given a testimony. Actually I have many testimonies; however, I will try to recount one particular miracle of God.  My wife, Jamie Moncrief, had been witnessing to a couple in Conway, AR. The couple agreed to come to church and they brought their young son, who was about a year old. During the course of the service Jesus began to move upon this couple. As people started to make their way to the altar, I asked the couple if I could hold the young child so they could be free to pray. They went to the altar and prayed.
         A day or two later, my wife called the couple and found out their son was very sick with strep throat and was under a doctor’s care. Not long of a time and I became sick as well from holding the child so close. 
I became very ill as well, so my mother and brother came over to see me. I was sitting in a chair in my bedroom and my family was standing in the doorway. My mother, whom had already learned the details from my wife, said “You need to go to the doctor.” Not to debate the merits of going or not going to a doctor, of which I have done both, I simply replied “I’m not going to a doctor. I’m going to sit right here and Jesus is going to heal me.” Well, my statement went over like a lead duck. My mother frowned and my brother laughed. My brother laughed; but, He didn’t know what I knew. I knew the healer, the Creator, the great God in heaven.
I told myself, “You have put your foot in your mouth now.” If God didn’t heal me then I would have looked foolish. I called my friend, whom I know believes, as do I, Jesus can and does heal. I explained the story as I have explained in this letter. Bishop Dale Collins and I took my need before the Lord. We prayed right over the phone and God delivered upon his promises. Within one day I was healed, although still a little weak. After two days I was back at work and could not even tell I had been sick.
I have told of only one event in my life. How I would like to tell of the times Jesus has saved me from danger, healed my body instantly, healed my body over time, provided me with work, brought my family together, given unto me blessings running over; however, no book could hold all the blessings God as given unto me. May the Lord God of heaven, Jesus Christ, bless you and keep you, Amen.
Testimony from a troubled youth!
     I'm thankful for y'all taking me in and teaching me a trade that I can use to benefit others and showing me love and compassion. Thank you for being honest with me about your opinion on things, because I have learned a lot about other people’s lives other than mine. 
     Someday I may change and come back and share my testimony with y'all. Stay strong so you can help other people with the things that you have learned about me.
Justin Ray 9-18-05
This testimony was hand delivered by a young man to our office a few weeks ago when we were out of state preaching.
     You may or may not remember me. My name is Benjamin Barrera. I still have the business card that you gave me when we met for the first and only time. In early February of 2004 I was angry and I made my mind up to leave the place where I was staying. I left so that I could leave with my anger and go get drunk. I had everything that I owned either on my back or in my hands as I walked, not being entirely sure where I was going. I remember that it was very cold outside and I wanted to leave all of my belongings right on the side of the street so that I could put my hands in my pockets because my fingers hurt so badly from the cold.
     After I walked a certain distance I got so desperate to be warm I wanted to be sheltered from the stinging wind so I walked into a church called Mount Zion and I felt warmer as soon as I entered. I looked around to see if somebody might be able to give me a ride to the Wal-Mart store where a friend of mine worked. I saw a lady in a wheel chair, and since I had been looking in the church I realized that this might also be someone’s home and I did not want to scare anyone. But the lady answered me gently and did not judge my appearance, as it had been sometime since I had shaved and I smelled like cigarettes. She told me that you would be back soon and that you might be willing to give me a ride. When you arrived you gladly gave me a ride and you told me that you saw me walking and then told your daughters that I was on my way to church. 
     In your truck you invited me to come back to church. You offered me money. You offered me shelter and you offered me food. It is not important that I declined, but it is important that you offered. My life had been going in a downward spiral since the spring of 2003. You saw me near the end of that downward spiral. I was a drunk and a thief and a liar. I had become all that I hated combined in a creature of self-destruction. I do not know exactly how I became that way. I know that it was a slow process. 
     I thought that I could run, and that by running my demons could not find me. But I believe in Jesus the Christ who rescued me from all evil when He gave the perfect sacrifice of His blood. God has helped me to change and He has made me a new man. My family is no longer ashamed of me. They are proud. I am no longer ashamed to live in this body. I have not had a drink since March of 2004. I have not had a cigarette since April 2004. I have apologized and asked forgiveness from those who I have wounded in my lifetime. God has redeemed me. I thought that maybe you should know that the gospel of Jesus saves. It saves even down to the lowliest of human beings. It pulls people from the gutters of existence and sets their feet on a firm place.
     I know that as God has been merciful to us through Jesus the Christ we ought to be merciful to one another showing ourselves to have some of the characteristics of Christ.
     You were merciful to me, and I thank you.
      “What you do for the least of my brethren, you do also for me.”
May God bless you and your household, Amen  
Benjamin Barrera


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“The testimonies of what your books have been doing in Africa and the teaching on Holiness which we have received from your ministry will have a great reward in heaven.”
                      THE WAY OF FAITH
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