Lifeline True Holiness Mission
True Gospel to All the World



NOTE: This is only a Table of Contents to help you locate articles that may be of interest to you.  Each article on our website is listed under each heading with the name of the article and the author if it is know to us.  You cannot at this time click on the headings or the name of the articles and go straight to them.  You will still have to go back to the home page and click on the proper button to get to that section and then you will have to scroll down until you find the article that you are looking for.  The articles are listed in the order that they come in on the website.  Thanks for visiting our website. 

Dale Collins



Deeper Life Bookstore

Books, Bibles, CDs, and other offers from this ministry

New Articles

Christmas On Trial!


Is It The Truth Or Is It A Lie?


Compiled by Dale Collins December 22, 2012




 Don't Believe the Good Friday Easter Lie! dc

TEN THINGS THAT THE BIBLE SAID THAT WE MUST DO! dc Scriptures for teaching series



Literature by Bishop & Sister Collins

Choose Life While There is Still Time dc

The Keys To Heaven's Door dc

Who Is The Great I AM? dc

A Special Thank You Note dc

The Last Call dc

The Truth About Halloween dc

Heart Holiness sc

Preparations for the Sabbath sc

Lovers of Truth Tracts by Brother Lewis E. Manual

Every One of You lm

Revelations lm

Mystery of the Father and the Son lm

Water Baptism lm

The Rest of the Story lm

The Truth about One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism lm

Don't Believe it lm

Have You Obeyed the Great Commission lm

Does the Bible Contradict Itself? lm

Peter's Conversion lm

The Double Deception - Eternal Security lm

Isaiah- The Oneness Prophet lm

Baptismal Commands in a Capsule lm

Articles of Truth

 Where Do I Find It In The Bible

Hogs and Other Hazards by Joe Crews (A MUST READ)

Death In The Kitchen by Joe Crews (A MUST READ)

Favorite Poems

Don't Quit

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

When Things Don't Work Out dc

Be A Tract Missionary

The Question of Rings by Pastor Daniel Mena

Jewelry and God's People by Cohen G. Reckart

Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions about Sunday (A MUST READ)

Bible Plan of Salvation

65 Reasons Why YOU MUST HAVE the Holy Ghost!

Scriptures for teaching series Complied by Bishop Dale Collins

 Faith, Healing, & Miracles

Miracles of our Lord

The next three are Scriptures for teaching series Complied by Bishop Dale Collins

The FAITH to Be made Whole 


Teach US To Pray - Massive amount of Scriptures used in this 12 hour teaching series. dc


Testimonies from different people from our ministry

What We Believe

A simple declaration of WHAT WE BELIEVE and WHERE WE STAND letting the Bible speak for itself.  95 % Scripture but long containing 17,775 words.

Compiled by Dale Collins


Vidoes of our Ministry activities and services

Ministry Photos

Photos of our ministry activities and services

Prayer Request & Testimony Form

Submit your Prayer Request and Testimonies to our ministry by email 





FAITH for the Impossible

FAITH for your Needs to be Met

Does The Lord Still Heal dc

My First Experience with Divine Healing dc

 Holiness and Christian Living

 The Battle in your Mind "Scriptures for teaching series Complied by Bishop Dale Collins"

  Our Testimony on Wedding Rings and Jewelry dc
